This is my archive


OT004 – AEWIN Trusted Secure Boot module
Hardware platforms are getting more and more complex, and as a side effect firmware have been given even…
AEWIN’s UniTraffic Solution
AEWIN cooperates with UNISEM’s IoT Division to provide the UniTraffic, an AI (Deep Learning)-based traffic management solution,…
AEWIN’s D8AI NLP Document Recognizer solution
AEWIN cooperates with D8AI to provide NLP Document Recognizer solution to transform unstructured information to useful data.
OCP3.0 – The Future Trend
Open Compute Project over the years has introduced many interesting ideas into traditionally conservative server space. The…
intel select solution ucpe
AEWIN’s Intel Select Solutions for uCPE
AEWIN announces Select Solution for uCPE – CentOS plus November 10, 2020- AEWIN, a leading…
AEWIN announce the latest addition to our edge AI focused portfolio
AEWIN is proud to announce the latest addition to our edge AI focused portfolio, the…
PCIe Gen 4 – Exactly what network computing needed and more
We’re excited about the PCIe Gen 4 support across the current x86 platforms from both Intel and AMD.
Current State of Solid-State Storage
Spinning drives and fans are the 2 major sources of potential failures inside an otherwise reliable system.
Internal data connectors
There are many cables inside a system. The most common are data and power. We’ll take a…
TDP vs Power consumption
TDP is often misunderstood as the power consumption of the particular component. As the acronym implies, it…