What is NFVI?

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The explosion of data brought a new era of networking and internet connected services. The traditional fixed-function hardware are straining to keep up with the ever changing demands and requirements. The expense and time required to creating proprietary hardware to tame the network is becoming a big hurdle to cross. Commoditized off-the-shelf hardware along with open source platforms are increasingly becoming the norm due to the availability and speed of deployment.

Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure (NFVI) is the successor to fixed-function hardware. Built on the familiar x86 based platform, along with open standards middleware, NFVI is more cost effective and offer agility and flexibility that cannot be achieved by traditional networking hardware. Leveraging ideas from cloud technologies, Virtualized Network Functions (VNF) are easily deployed by management and orchestration (MANO) frameworks. Various VNF appliances can be centrally managed and deployed through a wide collections of open source software and tools.

These open source software adhere to the ETSI defined NFV standards to ensure compatibility. This has ensured the NFVI ecosystem remains compatible and cost effective. Telco and other network operators want to be able to deploy quickly, reduce vendor lock-in, and reduce implementation time. The disaggregation of software and hardware easily enable this through NFV / SDN architecture. The wide selection of open sourced software allows you to find the best tools you need to deploy and manage these network devices.

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